Reserve Manager Paul Shepherd talks about his time at the Dene over the last 15 years.
I can’t believe how time has gone so quick. When the opportunity arose to work at the reserve, I couldn’t say no as it was here as a volunteer in the mid-nineties that sparked my passion for nature conservation under Chris McCarty who was the site manager then.
I have to mention John Scarr, who I worked with until March 2018, when he retired after 48 years’ service. I learnt so much from John on how things were done on the reserve and what could be achieved and what didn’t work. I loved the stories he told of his time at the dene and felt over the years we became a good unit together, especially during the winter forestry work.
Autumn has always been my favourite time of year at Castle Eden Dene. The colours of the woodland are stunning, with its different shades of yellows, oranges and browns mixed in with the dark greens of the Yew trees, it’s like something out of a Constable painting. This together with winter woodland work has given me so many fond memories. Cold sunny days felling non-native trees and extracting the timber, having a coffee while watching the sun go down over the castle were happy days. What made it more satisfying was seeing how these areas developed over time into a favourable habitat.
Another big part of being at the dene over the years is the team of volunteers we have and the camaraderie, commitment and team spirit they bring. I helped start the Wednesday task group in 2006 and since they have not just helped achieve numerous tasks on the reserve, but done so with joy and good humour of which I have enjoyed immensely over the years. Some of the volunteers have become good friends and they have all added to the good experiences I have had here.
I have worked under a number of managers over the years and teams change all the time. We now have a new team that is young and full of enthusiasm, which I am enjoying and looking forward to seeing how it develops in the coming years.